I've been tagged by Jennifer for her 10 on Tuesday meme. Little does she know that my hometown of Hope, MI doesn't actually have 10 places. So I've widened my scope to Midland County, in no particular order.
1. the Santa House
2. Hope United Methodist Church
3. Lily Lane Knits
4. The Boulevard
5. The Tridge
6. Pere Marquette Rail-Trail
7. Dow Gardens
8. City Forest
9. Pizza Sam's
10. Bamboo Garden
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sweet Sadie
Our 13 year-old lab has been sick for over a week now. She got into some charcoal and she's been throwing up about 6 hours after she eats. She saw her vet on Saturday and is now on an antibiotic. I decided after she got sick last night that she's off dog food for the time being and we're going to try chicken and rice. On top of this most recent problem she's been mysteriously losing weight, 9 lbs over the past 4 months. Some weight loss is normal in "senior" pets, but this amount is a bit alarming. The vet took x-rays and noted she has enlarged tracheobronchial lymph nodes, which could indicate cancer. At this point she wasn't sure if they were inflamed due to her vomiting, or cause for concern. Since she's getting skinny, we're really anxious to get her over her upset tummy and start fattening her up! We are both realistic about what kind of time we have left with her, its just painful to think about her being sick.
UPDATE 2/7: Sadie has now been vomit-free for 24 hours. She is really loving her yummy chicken and rice meals. I hope to start getting more weight on her. She's getting bony!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Getting my mojo back
I've been in a knitting funk for about the past two months. I started on a sweater for Hubba Bubba back around Thanksgiving, and its been about all I can do to keep at those rows and rows of st st. He'll be lucky if he gets it by next Thanksgiving, at the rate I've been going at. I thought I would totally get into my sexy knee-high pattern, but I've realize from the first inch that I will need to alter the pattern to get them to work for my "muscular" calves. So... all of this caused a real knitting slow down. I've not been picking up the needles at all! A week ago I decided to knit some legwarmers for Iva. I've been knitting all my worries and prayers into each stitch, and its really helped me through this hard time. I finished the first legwarmer this weekend, and it really turned out cute. I used some yarn I bought at the fiber festival I went to this fall, and I think this is the project thats got my knitting mojo back! yeah!
Secret Pal gift
I got my "reveal" package from Michelle, my way cool spoiler from SP9. I get to dye my own yarn! I've read about the Kool-aid dyeing method, but never had the guts to try it...now I have no excuses! She also sent me some Reynolds Lite-lopi in my favorite shade of blue and some wool wash. Thanks Michelle, for making SP9 a wonderful experience!
Iva Update

Here's a picture of Iva working on her smile muscles. It looks like she will be moving soon to a rehabilitation hospital in Grand Rapids, MI called Mary Free Bed . These people will be able to work with her to get her back up to speed with walking, talking, etc. I know she is getting the best of care and our whole family is learning what an amazing church and family community we have, people have really stepped up to help out. I just thank God for how he has show our family how loving he can be through what is just a really tough time, and I'm thankful for everyone in my personal support group for keeping me going, through prayers and kind words.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Think Pink
Something made me want to change my template this morning. We'll see how long before I start to think the pink is annoying.
Iva Update
I'm happy to report some good news for in this whole saga. Iva is recovering very well from her surgery. As of last night she was able to brush her teeth and drink some Sprite. The neurologist spoke with my uncle yesterday afternoon and is very please with her post-op progress. He also said that the type of tumor Iva had is usually treated with radiation. She will go through radiation on her brain and spinal column, probably in 5-6 weeks. In his words her type of tumor, when cancerous, usually "just melts" when exposed to the radiation. Right now the focus is to get her strong and healthy for the next steps. I ask that you continue to keep her, our family and the medical staff in your prayers these next weeks.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
What I've been dealing with
My sweet 9 year-old cousin, Iva, has been sick the past few months with what was diagnosed as abdominal migraines . The medicine that is supposed to help this disorder was not helping with her nausea, weekness and frequent bouts of not being able to talk and walk. She saw a neurologist this past Monday and was diagnosed with an Ependyoma near her brain stem. She was put in the hospital that night and started on medicine to shrink the tumor. Today she had surgery to remove the shrunken tumor. The doctors were able to remove most of it, but some of it was not able to be removed due to the proximity to the brain stem. Test revealed the tumor is malignant and she will at some point be starting chemo/radiation. I ask that anyone reading this, please add Iva, her family and all the doctors/medical staff into your prayers. Thank you!
Friday, January 12, 2007
In a Friday Funk
Son Volt
Now and then it keeps you running
It never seems to die
The trail's spent with fear
Not enough living on the outside
Never seem to get far enough
Staying in between the lines
Hold on to what you can
Waiting for the end
Not knowing when
May the wind take your troubles away
May the wind take your troubles away
Both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
May the wind take your troubles away
Trying to make it far enough, to the next time zone
Few and far between past the midnight hour
Never feel alone, you're really not alone...
Switching it over to AM
Searching for a truer sound
Can't recall the call letters
Steel guitar and settle down
Catching an all-night station somewhere in Louisiana
It sounds like 1963, but for now it sounds like heaven
May the wind take your troubles away
May the wind take your troubles away
Both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
May the wind take your troubles away
Son Volt
Now and then it keeps you running
It never seems to die
The trail's spent with fear
Not enough living on the outside
Never seem to get far enough
Staying in between the lines
Hold on to what you can
Waiting for the end
Not knowing when
May the wind take your troubles away
May the wind take your troubles away
Both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
May the wind take your troubles away
Trying to make it far enough, to the next time zone
Few and far between past the midnight hour
Never feel alone, you're really not alone...
Switching it over to AM
Searching for a truer sound
Can't recall the call letters
Steel guitar and settle down
Catching an all-night station somewhere in Louisiana
It sounds like 1963, but for now it sounds like heaven
May the wind take your troubles away
May the wind take your troubles away
Both feet on the floor, two hands on the wheel,
May the wind take your troubles away
Monday, January 08, 2007
More about SP package

I'm finally able to post a pic of the most recent package from my Secret Pal. In a follow up, the tea and hot chocolate helped me make it through the most miserable three days of work last week. I won't bore you with the details, but in three days I took 115 inbound phone calls. When you consider that I had 209 inbound phone calls for the whole month of December, you can imagine I was in quite a tizzy.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Back to Work
Today is my first day back to work since Dec 20. Here is what I have observed about being at work:
1: Why all the flourescant lighting? Is that all necessary?
2: Why do you need dress shoes to sit at a desk? I worked really hard at home in my new Stegmann clogs
3: At home, there is this thing called the couch.
1: Why all the flourescant lighting? Is that all necessary?
2: Why do you need dress shoes to sit at a desk? I worked really hard at home in my new Stegmann clogs
3: At home, there is this thing called the couch.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The sweetest gift

I came home from a tiring Christmas spent in Alabama with the in-laws to a package from my secret pal. I'm not able to post pictures from my camera on this computer, but inside was the cutest snowman mug, chocolates, cocoa and tea. I see some relaxing afternoons with a hot mug of something yummy in my future for the rest of my time off of work. The thing in my box that made me jump up and down was the Knit 2 Together book by Tracey Ullman and Mel Clark. I've been wanting this book ever since I hear Tracey talking about it on NPR. It is truly brilliant! Thank you, Secret Pal!
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