Tuesday, February 13, 2007

10 favorite places in your hometown

I've been tagged by Jennifer for her 10 on Tuesday meme. Little does she know that my hometown of Hope, MI doesn't actually have 10 places. So I've widened my scope to Midland County, in no particular order.
1. the Santa House
2. Hope United Methodist Church
3. Lily Lane Knits
4. The Boulevard
5. The Tridge
6. Pere Marquette Rail-Trail
7. Dow Gardens
8. City Forest
9. Pizza Sam's
10. Bamboo Garden


Jennifer Coomer said...

Whenever I finally go home with you I have to see the Tridge.

Jennifer Coomer said...

i'm tagging you again (see my blog). mostly because you've not posted anything in ages. not even your llamas. poor llamas.

Kim said...

Sarah!! Are you okay??? We're heading your way tomorrow - we'd like nice weather, please! :-)

Jennifer Coomer said...

I miss your blog.